Category Archives: Uncategorized

An Analytical Approach to Valuing Cards – Part 1 of n

Over the last month or two or three, I’ve been inspired to grow my skills with the analysis program R.  As I thought through what kind of project/dataset I could use to hone those skills, I had 2 options: work related stuff or Star Realms related stuff.  You know how that went:

The specific analytical toolset I had used elsewhere and wanted to learn in R is a multiple regression analysis.   And to get this party started, the question I’m trying to explore is: how can we objectively quantify the value of cards?

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Podcast Episode 117: Who is Toyman???

We kick off our 10th year podcasting with the discovery that there is a brand new leader on the lifetime leaderboards. The Mysteriouos “Toyman”. Who is Toyman? Do they eat brussel sprouts even without access to dijon mustard? We must know!

Rick and Dustin also discuss our most exciting aspects of Star Realms! Should be a good time!

Command Deck Strategies Part 7: The Coalition and High Director Valken

Written by Jay Lansdaal

Editor’s Note: This is Part 6 of our Command Deck Strategies Series.  We also recommend:

Finally, the long-awaited Valken article is here!

Why did it take so long? To answer that, let’s check in with the notes from the other Commanders’ articles on their Valken matchup:

From Nandi: “…, this matchup should go your way”
From Walsh: “Walsh naturally preys on…”
From Newburg: “We open hitting harder, although we may be outgained in authority…”
From Jochum: “This is a good matchup for Jochum.”
From McCready: “This matchup is really good for you.”
From Le: “Another good matchup for you, …”

Ah. I see.

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Stellar Link? More like Stellar Not!

by Rick DeMille (aka Darklighter)

Ok, Stellar Link isn’t that bad, except when it is. I have found Stellar Link to be the only Tech card that, when used, might turn on you. My therapist said I should write about it, so here I am.

I previously published the article, “Tech Support“, describing my initial thoughts about the Tech expansion and each of the individual Tech cards. I had mostly nice things to say about Stellar Link. Then Stellar Link turns around and stabs me in the back. I guess 2 Trade isn’t enough to secure its loyalty and affection…I digress.

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Command Deck Strategies Part 6: The Alignment and Divine Admiral Le

By Connor AKA Connor

Editor’s Note: This is Part 6 of our Command Deck Strategies Series.  We also recommend:


One year has passed since the release of Command Decks in the Star Realms digital app. In that time, Jochum established himself as the #1 commander with win rates over 60% against other commanders, a dominating presence in tournaments, and a newbie-punishing late game. As a response, McCready rose in popularity as a prominent and easy-to-use aggressive alternative, while Walsh and Newburg stayed relevant using row scrap to deny Jochum bombs, along with their other tools.

About 6 months ago, after a lot of time and effort studying Divine Admiral Le, who was thought to be less powerful than the other commanders, a few dedicated players finally started getting some impressive results. In this article, I’ll be sharing my experience, which has been heavily influenced by these other successful players. By the end of your reading, you’ll hopefully understand not only how to approach piloting Le, but also that he is NOT a gimmick, but a force to be reckoned with. 

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Quick note about Megahaulin’ Classics

An astute reader pointed out that the first several episodes of Megahaulin Classics were not available in the public feed. It was learned that this was due to some content expiration configurations on the podcast hosting side.

It looks like the only way to bring this missing episodes back from the grave is the republish them again with a current date and then sort them into the proper timeline. This means that some of you who automatically download older episodes will see some additional content in your feed.

Apologies in advance. Please feel free to listen and laugh at the older content, just like we do!

Update: Looks like the crisis has been averted. For those looking for Megahaulin Classics, you can easily view them by following the filter here.

Introduction to Star Realms Dodgeball

There are numerous tournament formats to be found in Star Realms. We’ll start covering these a bit more as their popularity has increased quite a bit in recent years. If you ever get bored with “basic” Star Realms, just know that there are a myriad of options available and today we’ll introduce Dodgeball.

Dodgeball was originally the brainchild of MarauderMo inspired by AceGeiger’s Zombie Tournament (Mo was also the author of the Endurance Challenge). After several pickup games and rules refinement, CrankyDay, with the support of SilentAl and several others, had built a framework which has led to seven seasons and counting of league play as well as numerous smaller events.

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