Author Archives: corybear88

An Analytical Approach to Valuing Cards – Part 1 of n

Over the last month or two or three, I’ve been inspired to grow my skills with the analysis program R.  As I thought through what kind of project/dataset I could use to hone those skills, I had 2 options: work related stuff or Star Realms related stuff.  You know how that went:

The specific analytical toolset I had used elsewhere and wanted to learn in R is a multiple regression analysis.   And to get this party started, the question I’m trying to explore is: how can we objectively quantify the value of cards?

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Let’s Hunt Unicorns

Everything you need to know about the Unicorn Format

By Cory Thomas (IGN corybear88 and known on the Facebook as Daisy Tom)

Why is it called unicorn?

A unicorn is a rare and mythical creature.  Winning a star realms game by completing missions on your first 3 turns is a rare event (possibly also mythical, but that’s debatable).  So winning on your first 3 turns via missions was called a unicorn, and the name has stuck. 

Feel free to #blamePolites for this interlude in the lesson to see what it looks like when a unicorn is bagged.


What is the format?

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